All4: Franch 2022

All4: Franch is a franchise exhibition in Ukraine.

All4: Franch is a unique platform where well-known franchisees in Ukraine and start-ups find partners to implement the boldest business ideas.

Address: Ukraine, Kiev, Brovarsky prospect, 15 (Livoberezhna metro station)

Date: March, 15 – 17, 2022


  • 15.03: 10:00-18:00
  • 16.03: 10:00-18:00
  • 17.03: 10:00-17:00.

UkrainExports team is ready to represent your company at the All4: Franch exhibition as exhibitors or visitors. Please, contact us to get more information.

All4: Franch is an advanced modern technology for the franchise business in Ukraine and beyond.

Visitors of the Franchising exhibition:

  • Franchisors in Ukraine and abroad
  • Franchisees
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Managers of companies planning to develop a franchise network in Ukraine.

The exhibition is divided into 5 segments according to the franchise market:

  • All4: Retail
  • All4: HoReCa
  • All4: Services
  • All4: Production
  • All4: Coffee

Participants – companies offering equipment, facilities and technologies for franchising in Ukraine in the segments:

  • HoReCa
  • Retail
  • Services
  • Production
  • As well as food & drink exhibition of local and craft producers.

Why a separate project? Because the franchise business in Ukraine needs a special approach to cooperation and partnership.

