Hire a quality control / quality assurance manager in Ukraine
UkrainExports provides services for finding, interviewing, hiring and monitoring quality assurace managers in Ukraine.
Companies that import goods from Ukraine hire a quality control manager in Ukraine (QC in Ukraine) to take care of the quality of the products.
Exporters hire a quality assurance manager in Ukraine (QA in Ukraine) to monitor the professionalism of the sales that communicate with customers.
We have collected 5 tips to help you hire a quality control manager in Ukraine and establish effective interaction with them.
- Use the services of UkrainExports. We will post ads on local labor exchanges, conduct dozens of interviews and find the best candidates for your vacancy of a quality assurance in Ukraine. We are also ready to carry out quality control tasks in Ukraine on our own.
- Clear requirements. Write down all the requirements for the quality of goods and services of your suppliers. This will give the supplier a clear understanding of what is expected of him, bring transparency and objectivity to the assessments. You can find the list of quality assurance managers in Ukraine tasks and functions below.
- Regularity. Perform quality control regularly and without delay. This will allow you to control the production process or services and make adjustments in case of deviation from your requirements.
- Involve your suppliers in the quality control process. If you hire quality managers in Ukraine, they will train your supplier’s employees to carry out checks according to the checklist and submit a regular report in the prescribed form. Effective quality control must be carried out by both sides at all key stages of production. For example:
– at the stage of obtaining raw materials;
– at the stage of creating blanks and semi;
– finished products;
– at the stage of getting finished products;
– at the stage of packaging;
– at the stage of receiving the goods. - Give the task of the quality assurance manager in Ukraine to collect feedback and suggestions for improvements from suppliers at least once every six months. No one knows better than your supplier what aspects of their work affect deviations from the quality requirements. The supplier can offer effective ways to improve the quality of the goods and services produced.

Tasks of the quality control manager in Ukraine:
- Participate in preparation for certification and subsequent regular inspection control;
- Participate in the preparation of regulatory and administrative documents of the company;
- Analyze the quality of goods at all stages of production.
Functions of the quality assurance manager in Ukraine:
- QA manager in Ukraine analyzes information obtained at various stages of production, quality indicators characterizing the developed and manufactured products;
- QA manager takes measures to prevent the release of products that do not meet the established requirements;
- Quality control manager in Ukraine Ensures the fulfillment of tasks to improve the quality of products, monitors the activities of the enterprise’s divisions to ensure that products comply with the modern level of development of science and technology, consumer requirements in the domestic market, as well as export requirements;
- QA participates in the development, improvement and implementation of the quality management system, the creation of standards and norms of quality indicators, controls their observance;
- Quality control manager in Ukraine keeps records and prepares reports on the company’s activities for product quality management;- QC in Ukraine examines and analyzes complaints and claims to the quality of products, prepares conclusions and maintains correspondence on the results of their consideration;
- QC manager takes part in the creation of the company’s standards for quality management, in the preparation of products for certification and certification, in the preparation of activities related to the implementation of standards and technical conditions for the products manufactured by the company;
- QC in Ukraine participates in the development and implementation of the most advanced systems of control methods, providing for the automation and mechanization of control operations and the creation of tools for these purposes, including non-destructive testing tools;
- Quality assurance in Ukraine takes part in the development of methods and instructions for the current quality control of work in the process of manufacturing products, in testing finished products and drawing up documents certifying their quality;
- QA examines the reasons causing deterioration in product quality, causing deterioration in product quality, participates in the development of measures to eliminate them;
- QA prepares conclusions on the conformity of the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, component parts to the standards, technical conditions and prepares documents for filing claims with suppliers;
- Quality control manager studies the best domestic and foreign experience in the development and implementation of quality management systems;
- QA develops and organizes the implementation of measures based on the results of state supervision, interdepartmental and departmental control, implementation and compliance with standards and technical conditions for product quality, preparation of products for certification and certification.
When you hire a quality control manager in Ukraine, you hire an employee on whom the activities and the success of the entire business will depend. To make the quality assurance department in Ukraine, you need to train real experts, specialists who understand the importance and necessity of quality control and who are able to give objective and accurate feedback.