BABY EXPO 2021 – all about the market of products for Children and sales in Ukraine.

On March 10-12, 2021, the international exhibition of goods for children BABY EXPO celebrated its 25th anniversary. The history of BABY EXPO is a quarter of a century old, and it is the history of products for Children production and sales in Ukraine.

Address: Ukraine, Kiev, Brovarsky prospect, 15 (Livoberezhna metro station)

Date: February, 22 – 24, 2022


  • 22.02: 09:00-18:00
  • 23.02: 09:00-18:00
  • 24.02: 09:00-18:00

UkrainExports team is ready to represent your company at BABY EXPO as exhibitors or visitors. Please, contact us to get more information.

Every year BABY EXPO gathers under its roof foreign and domestic manufacturers and distributors of children’s products, buyers and sales in Ukraine creating the largest business platform in Ukraine to demonstrate the full range of children’s products, and determines the further direction of the industry. The spring exhibition presents current trends, which will be guided by specialists throughout the next year. And this is where well-known brands and new sales in Ukraine enter the market of products for Children.

Much has changed over the last year, and the new reality dictates new conditions. Exhibitions and sales in Ukraine moved to online, but BABY EXPO 2021, guided by the slogans “#BE – be modern, be flexible, be ahead!”, And despite all the difficulties, took place at a high professional level, maintaining its traditional format and main thematic areas:

  • BABY Toys Fair – exhibition of game products;
  • BABY Products Fair – exhibition of goods for babies and mothers;
  • Children’s Fashion Fair is an exhibition of children’s fashion.

According to these expositions, 117 buyers and sales in Ukraine exhibited their products and coverrd an area of ​​7,089 square meters. They presented many Ukrainian and foreign products for children and their parents: a huge range of modern toys – for babies and adolescents, soft, wooden and radio-controlled, kits for creativity and sporting goods, the latest products and traditional toys; products for the comfort and safety of babies – strollers, car seats, children’s cosmetics and hygiene products; clothes for all ages and tastes. Interesting novelties were waiting for the buyers and sales in Ukraine of the exhibition at each stand.

In total, the exhibition was visited by more than 2,000 specialists – distributors, owners, buyers and sales in Ukraine of retail and chain stores. It should be noted that the composition of visitors this year has changed qualitatively – visitors have become more targeted, significantly increased the percentage of chain stores against the background of almost zero percentage of end users.

A quarter of a century of success and work is a proof of stability and monumentality, a kind of guarantee of quality. Therefore, BABY EXPO did not abandon the traditional accompanying measures, which have already proven to be effective tools for business development and interaction between the manufacturers, distributors and retail sales in Ukraine, but given the global pandemic, has increased attention to sanitary rules.

Within the framework of BABY EXPO the National competition of game products “The best toy” took place. This is the only such competition in Ukraine with more than 15 years of history. Its main task is to assist domestic manufacturers of game products in promoting and improving the quality of goods. This year, 35 samples from 12 Ukrainian manufacturers were submitted to the competition: TECHNOK, WORLD LEO / TM STRATEG, TIGRES, ENERGY PLUS, ARTOS GAMES, BOMBAT GAME, TAKA MAKA, FACTORY OF THE FIRST FANTASTO / FANTASY. , ФОП ПЕЛИХ / TM KIDSQO / TM ZOLUSHKA, ЧУДИСАМ. And although this is a rather modest result compared to other years, we are proud that Ukrainian toy manufacturers can present interesting novelties to the market even in such difficult times. The expert jury was pleasantly impressed by the samples submitted to the competition, most of which were various constructors, board games, kits for creativity, as well as dolls and soft toys. Competitive products were presented in the exhibition at a special stand, and the winners were awarded a solemn award, which, according to tradition, took place on the first day of the exhibition.

An integral part of the BABY EXPO forum is the business program. Guests and participants of the exhibition have long been accustomed to the fact that at BABY EXPO you can not only sign profitable contracts, find new partners and sales in Ukraine or evaluate new chips of competitors. Here you can always replenish your business knowledge, gain experience in business sharks, learn new cases for business development.

The conference, divided into thematic areas, lasted three days, during which real experts shared their own experiences!

