ProStorExpo 2022

ProStorExpo 2022 is the powerful agro-industrial exhibition on processing and storage of agricultural products.

ProStorExpo 2022 occupies a leading position in the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine, combining a set of innovative solutions at the stages of production, storage, processing and transportation of agricultural products, food and beverages.

Address: “Expocentre of Ukraine” Ukraine, Kiev, Academician Glushkov Ave, 1

Date: September 21 – 22, 2022


  • 21.09: 10:00-18:00
  • 22.09: 09:00-18:00.

UkrainExports team is ready to represent your company at ProStorExpo 2022 as exhibitors or visitors. Please, contact us to get more information.

The following events are planned within the framework of the exhibition:

  • Practical conference “Modern technologies for growing, harvesting, storage of agricultural products” with the participation of foreign companies.
  • Awarding the best companies
  • Tasting events.
  • Exhibition-fair of food, organic products, seeds, seedlings and canning.

Optimal conditions for effective dialogue between manufacturers of equipment and machinery, seeds and plant protection products have been created; industry professionals, government officials, to share experiences, establish business contacts and sign contracts.

What awaits you:

  • Dating – hundreds of business owners and government officials.
  • New knowledge and insights – trends and prospects.
  • Marketing – attracting new customers.
  • Team – selection and training.
  • Competition – how to stand out and be remembered.
  • Finance – revenue management and investment.
  • Legal protection – ensuring business security.

Guests of the event:

Entrepreneurs, Investors, Government Representatives, Business Associations, Business Leaders, Foreign Representative Offices, Business Leaders, Professionals and Students, Experts.

Thematic sections of the exhibition:

  • modern technologies of growing, collecting and storing agricultural products;
  • equipment for processing agricultural products;
  • equipment for storage of agricultural products;
  • hangars, storages, shelters, fast-mounted structures (frame, without frame, built-in);
  • means of temporary storage of agricultural products;
  • dryers of agricultural products;
  • sorting, packaging, technologies and equipment for processing agricultural products after harvesting;
  • packaging (packaging of agricultural products);
  • equipment for transportation of agricultural products;
  • lifting equipment;
  • weighing equipment;
  • laboratory equipment and methods of analysis of agricultural products and agricultural lands;
  • laboratory equipment for testing agricultural raw materials and products;
  • unmanned aerial vehicles;
  • sowing material;
  • seedlings;
  • plant protection products (organic plant protection products);
  • agroeconomics; Information Technology;
  • fertilizers; equipment and mechanisms for fertilizer production;
  • processing and storage of vegetables, fruits, berries; equipment for processing vegetables, fruits, berries; drying of vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • cooling, storage and canning (canneries);
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • equipment for the collection, storage and processing of grapes and wine production;
  • brewing, hop and malt processing equipment;
  • organic crop products;
  • beekeeping, equipment, devices and mechanisms for honey processing;
  • milk processing and dairy production;
  • processing and storage of meat: pork, beef, lamb;
  • technology of meat and meat products;
  • poultry production. Poultry complexes;
  • equipment for processing, processing and storage of fish products;
  • equipment for the production of pasta;
  • equipment for the production of chips;
  • woodworking (timber processing);
  • bioenergy, environmental energy; alternative fuels.
